What are the benefits of taking Kratom?
July 30, 2017 6:22 pm- Pain Relief– One of the most notable uses for mitragyna speciosa is natural pain relief without the negative side effects of narcotic pain relievers. By increasing the amount of serotonin and dopamine that is released into the body, pain can be alleviated and controlled. Essentially, the alkaloids dull the pain receptors throughout the body. This morphine or opium-like quality of kratom leaves is widely regarded as its most important application.
- Increases Energy– Kratom is closely related to the coffee plant and works like a stimulant to naturally boost energy without the jitters of caffeine. Mitragyna Speciosa increases energy levels by optimizing certain metabolic processes and impacting hormone levels. This is a result of increased circulation and a general increase in oxygenated blood to areas of the body that needs it, combining with increased metabolic activities to provide a burst of energy. For sufferers of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome kratom leaves are often an alternative, natural solution.
- Anti-Anxiety and Natural Antidepressant– Kratom leaves are widely used as an anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) for people who suffer from chronic stress, depression, anxiety, and mood swings by regulating the body’s normal hormones.
- Increases Sexual Desire and Energy– Kratom has been reported among users to enhance sexual desires in both men and women.
- Lowers Blood Pressure– Studies have connected the use of kratom leaves to a significant drop in blood pressure. As the leaves and their chemical components impact the body’s hormones, they also reduce inflammation throughout the body, including in the blood vessels and arteries. By relieving tension in the cardiovascular system, kratom leaves can help prevent more serious cardiovascular conditions, such as atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and strokes.
- Regulates Blood Sugar– One of the lesser known benefits of kratom leaves is their natural effect on blood sugar levels. Limited research has shown that the alkaloids found in the leaves are able to help regulate the amount of insulin and glucose is in the blood, effectively preventing the dangerous peaks and valleys that diabetics endure.
- Addiction Therapy– Mitragyna Speciosa has a unique role to play in aiding those who suffer from addiction by eliminating or lowering withdrawal symptoms. For hundreds of years Kratom has been used by the indigenous people to relieve symptoms of narcotic and opiate withdrawals and alcoholism. In effect, it works very similarly to opium (and is often used as a substitute for this drug) at a lower level of potency and addictiveness. Many people suffering from opium dependence are treated successfully with this herbal product supplement.
- Antidiarrheal
- Anti-inflammatory(3)
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This post was written by salviaextract